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How to Prepare Your Plumbing For Fall

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While summer is still here, the season will quickly be coming to a close and fall will be here before we know it. Pretty soon we’ll be putting the summer clothes and pool toys away and getting out our autumn decor. Decorating our homes for the change in seasons is always fun, but there are also a few other things you should be checking on as summer comes to an end.

To avoid any plumbing horror stories this fall, here’s a simple checklist of some tasks you can complete to make sure your plumbing system is in tip-top shape for spooky season!

Water Heater Maintenance

Servicing your water heater once the weather gets a bit cooler is one of the best things you can do to prepare your plumbing for fall. As the weather gets colder, water heaters have to work extra hard to keep the water in your home hot, and a water heater that goes unserviced might result in cold showers during the fall and winter. Scheduling a tune-up before something goes wrong will probably save you money in the long run because any issues will be detected before an emergency happens.

Check for Leaks

This summer, most of us have spent more time outside than we usually would when the weather is a bit colder, meaning we might not have been paying attention to the interiors of our homes too much. Before we head back inside soon, make sure you check for any leaks that might have been ignored for the past few months.

Even the tiniest leaks can cause a huge increase in your water bill and eventually lead to a flood. It also goes without saying that the colder months bring higher heating costs, so no one wants the additional expense of an outrageous water bill on top of that!

Unhook Outdoor Hoses

Before the weather gets cold, it’s very important to unhook your outdoor hoses. Any water that remains in the hoses from the summer can freeze once the weather gets cold and can cause serious damage to your pipes. Once summer comes to an end, unhook your hoses and drain them of any leftover water.

Insulate Your Pipes

Installing pipe insulation before the snowfall begins is an important step to preparing your plumbing for fall. Compare it to throwing on your favorite winter coat when the weather is cold. Pipe insulation is essential to keeping your pipes warm and preventing them from freezing. Frozen pipes can cause serious damage to your home and cost you thousands of dollars overnight.

Check Your Sump Pump

Your sump pump is something that can easily go ignored, especially if you’ve never had any problems with it. Before the cold weather kicks in, check your sump pump to make sure it’s working correctly. A properly insulated and cleaned sump pump will help prevent any flooding in the new seasons.

Inspect Your Fixtures

Over time, our fixtures go through general wear and tear. Before the start of the new season, check all of your fixtures to make sure there are no visible cracks or clogs. If you notice any issue that needs immediate attention, our team at Bob Larson Plumbing LLC offers a variety of fixture services and will have yours fixed in no time.

Tacoma Plumbing Services

At Bob Larson Plumbing LLC, we understand the importance of a properly functioning plumbing system, no matter what time of year it is. If you’ve gone through this checklist and notice any issues that need professional attention, call us today at (253) 780-0844 and we’ll be right out to assess the situation and offer a lasting solution!

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